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Bangladesh Fire Kill


Temukan Manfaat Propolis disini

Fire hit the public in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka. Fire that hit an apartment complex that killed more than 100 people, June 3, 2010 Thursday night local time.
The number of victims killed or injured is still not yet been confirmed. However, ATN Bangla television station, Friday, June 4, 2010, reported that the fire killed at least 104 people and it is feared the number could rise. In addition, more than 100 people were injured.
Officers fire team, Nazrul Islam, revealed that the fire originated from the explosion of an electrical transformer in a three-story apartment Najirabazar, located in the old Dhaka area. Fire from the explosion and then spreading to other buildings.
"The explosion caused massive devastation," said Islam. He revealed that the fire was successfully extinguished and in the morning local time the victim search operations are still ongoing.
However, when arriving at the scene, extinguishing the team found 87 residents died on the spot, unable to escape the flames. In addition, not a few residents who died while on the way to the hospital or when already there. (Associated Press)


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